Sheldon Head Start currently serves a total of 221 children.
Three and four year old children attend classes daily from 9:15-4:00 (10:15-4:00 on Fridays). As a Head Start program we provide a model of services that is designed to meet the whole child's needs. Services include: on-site medical, nutrition, family advocacy, home visitation, mental health, disability and education services.
All of our teachers hold a bachelors or above in Early Childhood Education and are licensed by the State of Kansas. All para-educator staff assigned to classrooms full-time hold a Child Development Associate credential. Management staff are experts in their field and hold current licenses and requirements as set forth for their component.
Sheldon Head Start is a participant in the Early Learning Community project of the Kansas Head Start Association. In this program we serve children from the State Pre-K program, Early Childhood Special Education, general community and Head Start. These children all receive the same instruction by shared teachers. Sheldon values the work it does in supporting Early Learning Communities in Kansas.
From the Head Start Impact Study, 2010, U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children an Families, Office of Research and Evaluation:
"Since its beginning in 1965 as a part of the War on Poverty, Head Start's goal has been to boost the school readiness of low-income children. Based on a ―whole child model, the program provides comprehensive services that include preschool education; medical, dental, and mental health care; nutrition services; and efforts to help parents foster their child's development. Head Start services are designed to be responsive to each child's and family's ethnic, cultural, and linguistic heritage."
Head Start Governing Body Certification : This training is for board members and other pertinent governing body participants to the Sheldon Head Start Program. The training covers 5 Sections including a Head Start Overview, Program Governance, Legal and Fiscal Responsibilities and Resources.
Please watch THIS video to learn about the NEW Head Start Performance Standards!